Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ludicrous Programs

This morning I watched an episode of “Ancient Mysteries: The Curse of the Borgias”, which was - and I’m not even much of a Borgia expert - poorly researched and inept, despite being narrated by the always comforting and familiar voice of Leonard Nimoy. They missed some key narrative points, which colored the entire presentation … especially the rationale behind the annulment of Lucrezia's first marriage.

Most pitiful moments of idiocy: that her father was supposedly one of the witnesses to the marriage consummation as proof of his incestuous lust -- they conveniently forgot to mention that such witnesses representing the interested parties of the marriage contract - which were not necessarily the bride and groom - were standard and uneventful activities. If that was a sign of incestuous lust, the entire population of Medieval Europe was equally guilty. As for the later annulment? Another proof of Alexander's "unnatural" proclivities - jealousy? Incest, my a** – no one ever mentioned the Borgia political designs on Naples that prompted that entire episode?

Funniest moment of idiocy: a portrait supposedly depicting Lucrezia Borgia’s marriage into the Sforza family … with a big Medici crest hanging behind them in the background. Uh-huh. At that point, it took me quite a while to stop laughing.

Apparently the biggest "mystery" of all was how they got that one by their supposed historical advisors. What, they didn't think anybody would notice?

Originally published:  Oct. 7th, 2007 at 1:56 PM

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