Saturday, March 10, 2018

Screaming During Storms

Second night in a row of howling winds.  Spent all day enduring Riley which then went into its second night.  Second so-called “bombogenesis” storm in a ridiculously short period of time.  Couldn’t sleep in all that noise, so got up, flipped on the TV and (you knew this was coming) got hit by the women peeing on themselves, women complaining about constipation, women battling depression, women battling heavy periods, women complaining about “wide-spread pain” that no one else could see, the hideously annoying Panera Catering Lolita-voice, the hideously annoying Wrigley’s Extra Gum simpering singing voice, and that grotesquely creepy Fiji Water voice (OMG! - shudder)  ... all of which was just as annoying as the non-stop howling winds.  And on and on.  First time in my life I actually prayed for a power outage in the middle of the night.

Oh Liberals ... you are just so pathetically sad.  And I am a Liberal, so no, I’m not a trumpapalooza either.  I grew up in NYC ... trust me, I can’t stand the guy and haven’t for decades.

Picture it.  An Anti-GOP Facebook group.  A closed group.  Two incidents.

Someone linked to a 28 Feb CNN story.  Here’s the headline:  “Republican Rep. Tom Rooney is calling for an end to the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into possible collusion in Russia's 2016 election meddling, arguing that its only purpose is to drive the media narrative for Democrats.”

This was followed by hours of liberals screaming in the comments section about protecting Bob Mueller’s investigation from all of these insane Republicans.  Which proves that not a single one of them actually read (a) the headline or (b) the story.  No matter how many times I commented, “Hey, he’s talking about the House Intelligence Committee, not Bob Mueller’s investigation”, they just kept going ... and going ... and going.  Finally, I just started twitching.  And data suggests that liberals tended to be better educated than Republicans?  Not this bunch – they obviously flunked reading comprehension dramatically.

Nor do they have a sense of humor.  Later, same group:  a clever, witty guy posts a comment.  Paraphrased:  “We must all pray for this administration!  Pray with me, brothers and sisters, let us repeat Psalm 109 together!”

Given the type of group he posted in (anti GOP, remember), your first reaction should have been “Huh?”  Indeed, mine was “Huh?” as well, but I also stopped and looked up Psalm 109.  Took me all of a second.  When I read it, I burst out laughing.

Let his days be few; and let another take his office.’ is one of the nicer lines in the Psalm, which is basically a curse.  It was howlingly, screamingly funny.

And yet, except for 2 or 3 other people, not a single Liberal got the joke.  None of them stopped and looked it up.  Instead, they erupted in cursing, nastiness, rabid ugliness.  A few people tried to stop the howling which followed by posting the entire Psalm in the comments section.  They might as well have been shouting into a hurricane-force wind.  None of the liberals noticed.  They kept going ... and going ... and going ... calling the original poster all manner of ugly names.  They called for him to be banished from the group for being a Trump troll AND a Russian bot.  It was the most appalling reaction I’d ever read.  I went from twitching to full blown rage.  I finally had to agree with Conservatives:  Liberals ARE rabid knee-jerk idiots.  (Don’t get me wrong, I think most Conservatives are rabid knee-jerk idiots, too so it’s not like I’m taking sides.  But Liberals have nothing to feel smug and self-righteous about.)

As a result, I stayed off Facebook and cable news most of the week – which was very nice ... it finally got warm enough that all the dangerous snow and ice melted (briefly), so I was able to visit the grocery store, which was also nice.  Generally speaking, having food is nice, and I was running very, very low:  thanks to the ice, I had been trapped indoors for days.

Before the second nor’easter hit started, I had spent the morning riding a bucking bronco ... you’da thunk I was in some sleazy Texas roadhouse somewhere.  And by “bucking bronco”, I am of course referring to that New England specialty:  “frost heaves”.  Holy crap.  For those in the area – try Route 88, between the two Republican enclaves of Hampton Falls and Exeter.  (PS:  Don’t try it after a full meal).  Yes, Republicans gave me the heaves.  And after that, I gave myself the heaves by driving the bucking bronco all the way to Exeter, only to discover that my appointment was for the following day ... so I then had to do the same thing in reverse.  By the end of the day, I was trapped by 18 inches of snow.  Back to the TV out of boredom.

And later the same day, got hit with the news of the Broward high school shooting.  The full and gruesome coverage of which was regularly interrupted by ... commercials.

Back to screaming.  The horrible commercials about texting your therapist.  (“STFU, you demented lobotomized lunatic!” If these retarded women can’t exist without texting their therapist from the middle of Times Square, they need to check themselves into Bellevue!!!!) The equally horrible commercials for Panera Catering (“Who the **** hired that pedophile-bait spokescreep?”)  The pedophile-bait Leeza mattress spokes-Lolita was back again; the head-clutching Wrigley’s Extra gum pedophile-bait theme-warbler, the 5 year old kid intoning condescendingly about Maxwell House coffee (which let’s hope his parents don’t give him to drink) and “knowing the value of a hard day’s work”, when every parent on the planet knows that 5-year old kids know NOTHING about “the value of a hard day’s work”... punctuated with the usual disgusting commercials waxing poetic about “bloody or black stools”.  Or the same actress singing “Pan, pan, pan, pan!” while touting pizza, then  goes on and on in the next commercial about acne.  Hey, dumbass!  Try eating less pizza!  Oh, it just never ends.

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