[Subtitle: Or Maybe We Are; Kansas
Has Nothing to Brag About]
More entries have been written, erased, revised, re-written and erased
again in the course of the last 7 months than I may have made the effort to, in
the last 7 years. Reason: As soon as I wrote one sentence, another
appalling outrage made it obsolete.
Could have gone either way: either
something appalling actually did happen, or appalling headlines made it seem
like it did. Whatever, most Americans on
social media were punched in the face and sent reeling on a daily, if not
hourly, basis. It’s a miracle most of us
aren’t curled up in a fetal position, sucking our thumbs.
Only reason we’re not (yet) are the news stories in print or airing everywhere
(except Fox News and Breitbart) of the rather dramatic implosion of the current
... whatever you would term this mindboggling assortment of embarrassingly
clueless idiots ... to the point where they’re calling it a death rattle. You get the impression you’re about to
witness the second presidential disaster of your lifetime ... Nixon being the
first. At the moment, Robert Mueller is installed
as Special Counsel and former FBI Director James Comey just testified in the
Senate, in a hearing that boasted of more listeners and viewers than the imaginary
inauguration crowd we keep hearing about.
I’m not going to go on for pages about our current political situation ...
I don’t think I could say anything that millions of people haven’t already said
... instead, I’ll whine about social media.
You may have noticed that I’m not overly fond of other women. (You:
“Nooooooo! REALLY??”) Lots of reasons, long before now. The last 7 months seems to have exacerbated
the dislike.
I had finally settled on one Facebook page that has about 40,000 members in
it ... let’s call it, “Griping About Politics”.
Not their real name. I settled on
one mainly because almost every FB page on the same topic has the same posts,
the same memes, the same blather. Some
worse than others. Some, run by
ridiculous wannabe twinkie cheerleaders who have never once read, “The Art of
War” and demand that you toe the “When they go low, we go HIGH!” line, to the
point where you want to slap them all silly – repeatedly.
Then there are the liberal dimwits who truly believe that, for the sake of
argument, if the current president finds himself tossed out of the office on
his keester, that means that Clinton would automatically be installed since,
you know, she won the popular vote. No
matter how many times you remind them of a line of succession laid out in a
document they may have heard of (anyone remember we have a Constitution?) ...
you can’t get it through their thick heads that such a scenario isn’t even
remotely possible. “But that’s not
faaaiiir!” they wail ... there’s only so far I can roll my eyeballs. Yeah?
Life isn’t always fair, buttercups – suck it up.
Next are the discussions about choices for 2020. That’s even more disheartening. I swear liberals never even heard of the
concept of “strategy”; they just want the warm, familiar fuzzies of legacy
names. First they want Michelle
Obama. We shoot that down. Next they want a Kennedy. Any Kennedy:
Joseph, Caroline ... not because either of them are qualified (and I
doubt they even think they’re qualified), but because they’re Kennedy’s. Then they want Bernie Sanders – a Socialist. Then they want Cory Booker, Tulsi Gabbard or
Kamala Harris ... the list goes on and on, absurd choice after absurd
choice. No wonder Democrats keep
losing. Here’s my idea – you just lost
the entire south because they’re all racist boneheads who hate women and
anybody who isn’t white, rabidly regressive and depravedly theocratic. So, let’s nominate anybody who makes a
southerner’s hair curl – sure, that should clinch the White House in 2020. And yet Liberals keep coming up with these
absurd suggestions. You want to knock their heads together until their brains kick
Proof positive that there are so many awesomely stupid people on both sides
of the political spectrum, you are left wondering how this country manages to
function at all. Or maybe it doesn’t,
which is why we ended up where we are.
Unfortunately, the FB page I selected had their own issues: women, two or three in particular. Let’s call them Tinkerbelle (“Tink”), “Bossy”
and Dolores (“Dot”) Umbridge II.
Tink, Bossy and Dot decided that their main purpose in life was to post
every single post they could find anywhere on the entire internet, on the
“Griping” FB page, without bothering to check if (a) it was already there, (b) if
it was relevant, or (c) if it was fake news or legitimate news – they didn’t
care, they just uploaded everything they could find.
You’d sit there and watch post after post after post from Tink, Bossy and
Dot get uploaded, literally one per second, to the point they drove you
freaking nuts. No matter what time of
day ... I watched them go berserk with these posts at 3 in the morning when I
was up getting a drink of water. 4 in
the afternoon. 8 in the morning. Noon.
Midnight. I swear, that’s all
they did. God forbid you mention any of
the above objections: already been
posted, fake news site, off topic, irrelevant, whatever ... and these drooling
bobble-heads would go screaming menopausal-psychotic on you.
Other gripes: Type “Yes” if you
agree. New Rule: I will type “No”, and “Fuck You” whether I
agree with it or not, I’m so sick of that.
Another woman posted her idea of what was REALLY important: “5/25/2017 5:55:50 AM: Biggest mistake of the day - watching the
Dirty Dancing remake instead of the Survivor finale.”
Women. That’s why we’re in the hell
we are now in. Are you a woman and
object? Suck it up and admit you and
your gender are idiots.
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