One of the most resonating points for me came from Damien: his view of art itself. He had little use for “art for art’s sake” – people who created something because they thought it made them look “cool” or “hip” or it was what people expected of them or wanted ... or whatever. None of them liked commissions where they were handed something specific: “paint my kid sister riding a unicorn with a purple sunset and fairies in the bushes,” – they all preferred beginning with a general concept and interpreting that concept the way they saw it in their mind’s eye.
But as for that “general concept”, Damien’s comment was that it was, for him, almost a snapshot of a moment in his own experience; a relic, a souvenir of a moment. Something you could look at and experience anew what you were thinking, what you were feeling when the first image or concept flooded your mind and you gave voice to it – however you defined that “giving of voice”: be it painting, poetry, music, sculpture, architecture ...
In my case ... while working daily on C’era una volta, I’d finally finished Beautiful Beige, and was in the process of pinning the three layers together (top, batting, back) in preparation for quilting. Looking at it, I immediately remembered the moment it depicted: I was in North Andover, Massachusetts. I was listening to the song again for the first time in years ... in fact, the last time I’d listened to it, I had been young and clueless. This time I actually heard the lyrics.
An image came into my mind with the force of an epiphany ... I saw a woman’s hand, reaching out, trembling, to touch the spadix of a lily she has cultivated and planted in a precious golden cup on her windowsill, not aware of the hands reaching hungrily out of bright starry heavens in her direction ... the lily, having been forced to grow in such dry, airless sunlight, is sterile, blunted and sharp edged, but as she touches the one part of it that is sensuous and full, she experiences her own awakening, as a fire that begins to sparkle in the air around her ...

It IS terrifying to reach out to someone who could possibly shatter your heart, not knowing what you’ll find when you do ...
... which led to the willingness as this blog began, to initiate the “search for a soul mate”. And so many other things exploded out of that one moment, my Beautiful Beige moment.
In any event, the visual image percolated through moves, upheavals, family tragedies, everything that happened afterwards ... until it finally found its way out and into visual form. Part of the rest of the story will be told through the quilting design itself.
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