I had lunch at a place down the street, Sarabeth’s. The waitress came up to my table and I looked up. Then she gasped. “Ohmigod, I LOVE your poetry! I read it all the time – can I please have your autograph?” I almost hated to break it to her that she had mistaken me for someone else, but apparently, I look just like a famous poet. She did tell me who she mistook me for, but the name has gone right out of my head. But now I know what it feels like to be a celebrity and have someone in awe of meeting you – even if they’re meeting the wrong (and considerably less awesome) person. So she did get my autograph - when I paid the bill - but I suspect she wasn’t all that thrilled with it.
Just went through my annual spring ritual of finding my fragrance for the year. If these were the olden days, I would have skipped merrily through the meadow, picking flowers and placing them oh so delicately in my little wicker basket to brew a cologne worthy of my irresistible self. Since these AREN’T the olden days I was reduced to reading online descriptions and throwing darts at a dartboard, hoping I would inadvertently hit on something worthy of my ... considerably lazier self. And the winners for this year are:

And actually ... once I had it on, it immediately brought me back to the days of walking into the “Enchantments” shop in lower Manhattan – an experience everyone who has ever been in there can relate to ... it is probably the best-smelling place on the planet. So, with the name of Mystic on the bottle, how could it help being an “Enchantments”- reminiscent fragrance?

So there you have them: the 2015 “Let me capture and tie you into unbreakable love knots with my irresistible scent” winners for the year. Believe me, you’ll be the first to know if either one of them works.
Physical therapy: lied through my teeth ... well, no, I didn’t lie (EXACTLY) – I just left out pertinent information. Just said I had tried standing without support for a long period of time. Which was true – I had – I just didn’t provide any details on exactly WHY I had been doing that, or how. I still got the hairy eyeball, but didn’t get thrown out of physical therapy as “uncooperative”, which is what would have happened if I confessed that I had gone against every single instruction they gave me. Turns out I had seriously strained the muscles around my foot, ankle, back and shin bones, which directly contribute to one’s ability to maintain balance. He could physically feel how strained they were. His only crabby comment? “Well, at least you can’t blame ME for that.” I looked properly ashamed of myself – which I sorta was, but not entirely. I had just REALLY wanted to see the ... yeah, I know, go ahead and shoot me, I just REALLY wanted to see The Cowsills.
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