Thursday, October 24, 2013

Damiana Tea, Round Two

Ahhh ... back to the Damiana Tea.  As you’ll recall (or perhaps not) I had started an experiment with the Damiana Tea (and not the Damiana steeped in liquor); Peanut died the next day and that was the end of the experimenting for a while.  I decided to try again last night.

Let’s see: this morning, my car refused to start, I missed a meeting I’m supposed to be leading, the AAA guys was late so I missed the third train, when he arrived the car started without difficulty (WTF??!!??), I misread the train schedule and missed the fourth train, the refrigerator light just went out, and my affirmations so far are a complete disaster.  Why is it that all hell breaks loose after I field test the Damiana Tea?

Example:  I’m driving out of the apartment complex to the train station and reach the intersection of roads where school busses pick up passengers.  A bunch of mothers are “supervising” their kids, and by “supervising” I mean standing in the middle of the road babbling with each other, ignoring the spawn altogether and setting an excellent example for the kiddies on how to stay out of the path of oncoming cars.  I’m not the only driver thoroughly pissed off at this gaggle of idiot mothers; I am (probably) the only driver who decided to start doing positive affirmations that morning:

The other drivers are honking, yelling out of their car windows at the women and in general being really annoyed at them.  I’m affirming:  “I react to challenging and stressful situations with peaceful tranquility.  I react to challenging and stressful situations with peaceful tranquility.  I react to challenging and stressful situations with peaceful tranquility.  I react to ... GET THE &*^& OUT OF THE ROAD, YOU IDIOT, NARCISSISTIC C*NT!  WHAT ARE YOU, STUPID??  GREAT EXAMPLE FOR THE KIDDIES, COW!”

Yeah, I’m doing great.  That doesn’t excuse the Idiot Mothers of Royal Crest Estates, North Andover, Massachusetts – all of whom should be herded into “Responsible Parenting Remedial Re-Education School” and taught stern lessons in how to act like responsible parents ... as it’s obvious none of them know how to do that.

Meanwhile, Mr. Signpost made me feel even smaller and more useless with his post:  “The last bigotry of the open-minded is their bigotry against those they see as closed-minded.”  OK, FINE.  Guilty as charged.  Actually, I suspect I have even more “bigotries” than that (see above), but I’m having a hell of a time breaking those.

But none of this tells you how the Damiana Tea worked.  Awesomely.  And I have two weeks minus one day to go with the field testing, which makes me suspect that by the end of the two weeks I’ll be ... I don’t know – in bad shape?  In good shape?  Wide-eyed and sleepless?  Jittery and jumpy?  Rubbing against trees?  Who knows?  But I basically had the same issue I had last time:  one hour later, I found myself fantasizing about you know who and why and suddenly catching myself doing it.  Looking at the clock.  Bursting into laughter.  Stuff is great.  I wish I know where Enchantments got it from, so I could give someone the Recipe-credit.

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