Morning after Test #3: "Dreaming Tea", this time prepared as an infusion, and prepared without Galangal Root Tea as an aperitif. Drank this one at 5:00 at night. Didn’t feel much of anything until about 6:30. Then I started feeling yawny and lay down to sleep. Woke up at 4:00 in the morning (my normal waking time) but couldn’t get functional, so laid back down again. Finally woke up at 9:30 in the morning. After fifteen hours of sleep, my second entry in the Book of Shadows follows. Ahem:
"Holy crap!"
Apparently, in Penczak’s world, "Dreaming Tea" actually meant, "If you want to wake up the next morning and get anything done, dream on."
Advantages: the taste was better; was able to drink the entire cup. The result was the same. Cannot recall any dreams, but woke up very groggy. Not as bad as last weekend, but enough that I spent the first 10 minutes stumbling around my apartment on a slant, leaning on walls.
But again: no dreams!
Now I’m thinking: okay, lessen the measurements? I was using teaspoons: 1 teaspoon hops, 1 teaspoon scullcap, ½ teaspoon valerian and 1/8 teaspoon poppy seeds. Ground in a mortar, infused with thanksgiving and intent. Cut the measurements in half? Although I’m not sure how you measure half of an eighth of a teaspoon.
I will say this: Penczak must have the constitution of a steam engine. I am not tolerating this well at all. Holy crap, indeed.
For those wondering why I haven’t mentioned "Mr. Signpost" in a while. Yes, I’m still following him on Twitter. But every once in a while, I wonder if he hasn’t been forced to politely drown in a sea of Twinkies - which I would never have thought of him. Not the guy who went to Death Row for having written "Aleister Crowley" in a notebook. Anyway, he’s beginning his next stage of his life: teaching meditation. When I read that, I thought, "YES!" because I’m sure he’d be the world’s most effective teacher – goodness knows, I’ve already learned all sorts of stuff from him - but he’s teaching the classes in New York and Salem. Since I can’t go to Salem ... I’ll either have to learn from someone else, or these will be the most expensive meditation classes since the Beatles went to India in a private jet.
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Anti-Tinkerbelle/Wiccan Church Lady Hyperventilating Police Squad |
Perfect example of Echols drowning in Tinkerbelles: on Twitter, Damien commented that only in Salem would you find a Love Spell on the back of a menu and included a great photo of it. And THEN, up popped someone in a sickening Tinkerbelle moment of Twinkie condescension: "Dana Porter @sixaone @damienechols love spells are not kosher -interfere w/ free will.... cute thought tho. Salem must be wonderful!"
Steam started ejecting from my nostrils. The twit(terer) has no idea how many spirits were holding me back from flying through the internet and slapping her senseless. Wait, she already was senseless. Slapping her sideways! I typed a quick response. Erased it. Tried again. Erased that. Tried a few more. Erased them all. Fortunately, when I’d finally come up with a response that didn’t reek of condescension and irritability strong enough to equal hers, her comment was no longer on Twitter. So perhaps she thought better of it. Leave it to me to immortalize it anyway, on this blog. Heh! Well, that’s what happens when you try to spew such appalling nonsense at a real witch.
No, Salem would NOT be even close to wonderful with cows thundering around in it mooing rules and regulations at everyone. Go back to the church or synagogue or mosque you grew up in, sweetie. You’ll be a lot happier there, corseted by millions of rules and regulations and hiding behind your prayer book, terrified of hellish punishments.
Women like that remind me of some of the great misogynistic quotes: "Misogynist: A man who hates women as much as women hate one another" (Henry Louis Mencken). So what IS the word for women who are usually seriously disgusted by and pissed off at other women? Misogynista? Yup, that’s me: a misogynista of the first order. Grrrrr....
Oh yes, while we’re on the "Stupid Things Women Say Out Loud" corner of the page, another bunch of idiot women have taken it upon themselves to shriek, "Witchcraft is a CRAFT! Wicca is a RELIGION!" every chance they get. If you see that comment, trust me: a church lady with a pointy hat has flown into the room. Prepare yourself for a major case of nausea. And then, slap the b*tch. Really. She needs it.
It seems Il Volo is back in the U.S. and back on tour ... if by "On Tour" they mean, "On Tour of the Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami, Florida". March 26th and 27th. Wha ...??? Are they filming an "Il Volo Live" CD or something? What an odd choice of things to do.
Meanwhile, here’s the One and Only and his beautiful, sexy legs, now in front of the Ocean Way Recording Studio in Los Angeles. Not entirely sure what the One and Only and His Beautiful, Sexy Legs are doing in L.A., but suspect they’ll be there for the next ten days or so, before moving on to Miami.
The gesture he’s making with his right hand probably means something entirely different in Italy than it does here, or perhaps means something in a non-magickal world than the magickal gesture I know ... this was taught to me back in Enchantments, although I’ve never had the inclination to use it.
Anyway, I was taught that the gesture should only be passed between two adherents of the old religion (la vecchia religione, Piero, if you’re reading this) and combines the yoni and the much beloved horned or priapic god into one symbol that (basically) means, "Please join me immediately if not sooner in a time-honored activity which I will not express verbally, as the Thought Police are watching attentively, but I will slyly pass you my hotel room key and fervently hope that you will appreciate the urgency of my respectful but eagerly desperate request."
Or something along those lines. ;)
There. Did it pass the censors? There’s definitely a more blunt way of stating the same thing, but I’m not going there. Enchantments was more versed in Celtic-type wicca than stregheria, which is why I’m pretty sure Piero isn’t saying THAT ... it’s just lovely thinking he is. Whenever he makes that symbol with his fingers, I get such a rush .... oooooooooh.
I love love love love love Piero Barone! I love his sexy legs too. You should link to his new video Where Do I Begin. I think it is in Youtube now. This blog doesn't let you leave a name unless you have a URL so I have to be anonymous. Lauren
Oops, forgot to tell you where I posted it - look at the April 6th entry. To repeat what I said on the earlier comment, enjoy it while you can, previous copies of this have been deleted.
Try the Galangal Root Tea with honey or lemon or both, it tastes a little better. Hops are always bitter as a tea, I don't know how you got it down. Nasty!
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