Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Threefold Rule Gets Shot Down. Real Witches Cheer!

Nothing quite like going grocery shopping the day before a snowstorm only to discover the next morning after all the snow has dropped that you forgot to buy something vital, like, oh say ... just for the sake of argument ... toilet paper! Having now unburied my car, and slid out of the apartment complex onto the main road just as two fire trucks were pulling in (always a comforting sight), I’m now back home, grumbling as usual. And no, my home did not burn down – in fact, I can’t even figure out why those fire trucks were here in the first place.

I simply adore being given the opportunity to shriek, "See? I TOLD you so! Nyah, nyah, nyah!" Well, who wouldn’t, really? In this case, if you’ll flip back a few pages to Thursday, September 20, 2012:  Damien Echols: Life After Death. And Me Complaining (Again) About the Wiccan Rede you’ll recall I whined on endlessly about today’s girly-girly wiccans being little more than tightly corseted church ladies with pointy hats. And they’re all the more worthy of having the sh*t slapped out of them for depriving an entire generation of witches of their power.

Today I opened a daybook looking for something worthwhile to connect to the 30th of December. Kate West’s The Real Witches Year had today devoted to the December 30th topic of "cinnamon". Don’t ask, I have no idea why either. So I started looking around for love spells using cinnamon. Found a [bleep] load of girly-girly spells like this one,

"I personally do not believe in love spell casting for dominating an individual or imposing will upon them. I believe in a love spell for being or becoming more loving. There are moments in our lives where we become bitter, angry, or/are feeling hurt. Love spells are great for alleviating depression, subduing anger, calming peoples attitude; and of course the most important; bringing more passion to the love making."

That pile of hoo-hah was by someone named "Baba Sixto", who practices Santeria. Riiight. Okay, Baba baby, let’s get this through our head: "LOVE SPELLS ARE NOT FOR ALLEVIATING DEPRESSION OR SUBDUING ANGER!" For those you need Spells to Alleviate Depression, or Anger Subduing Spells! Good lord, lady.

And here’s a true Tinkerbelle:

"Another quick word about love spells - I will not provide any love spells in this article on which can be cast upon other people. True good witches do not believe in casting any love spells on others, as that is a way to manipulate the person and push against their own free will."

Again, it’s highly doubtful that any of Kitty’s Krazy Love Konkoctions work – BECAUSE SHE DOESN’T KNOW ANY! Kitty has set herself as judge, jury and executioner of everyone else’s morality which is something you’d expect from ... well, you know which group which I won’t say out loud (americansouthernbaptist) – and not from traditional witches, who are responsible for themselves and no one else. What, she’s only providing you with love spells to work on yourself? What a judgemental ugly church lady Kitty The Dreamer (whose name pretty much says it all) is! Masturbation Central, incoming express train, heading south! "True good witches", my sweet ass. Somebody slap that woman sideways. Sheesh.

And here’s a condescending twit for you

There are NO LOVE SPELLS to be found on this site which will make someone fall in love with you!!! You can not and should not interfere with people's free will! The right person will come to you, at the right time in your life. Remind the Threefold Law, you should.

She sounds just like a Charlie Brown cartoon teacher: bwah, bwah-bwah-BWAH! Bwah-bwah-bwah. That silliness was from "Jinni from Massachusetts" who pronounced herself a single working mom with 2 beautiful kids who lost 25 pounds since becoming a witch! (Complete with poseur before and after photos). There will be a short barfing break for all real witches. Convene in five.

And then people wonder why I can’t stand most women.

So finally I found one that had only one reference to the christian right’s idea of control over others –

"You will need the following items for this spell:
pink or red string
Pick up the cinnamon and say "Scent familliar, love true, bend -------'s heart threefold rule!" then pick up the string and say "with this thread/yarn I tie this love so true", tie the string around the cinnamon three times ,tie it,and state, "It is my will, so shall it be!" keep the cinnamon on your altar with the string still on and keep it as is until it starts to show results. Be patient as it may take a while."

That made me look up the threefold rule again, uneasily. Thanks to Wikipedia:

The Rule of Three (also Three-fold Law or Law of Return) is a religious tenet held by some Wiccans. It states that whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. Some subscribe to a variant of this law in which return is not necessarily threefold.

The Rule of Three is sometimes described as karma by Wiccans, however this is not strictly accurate. Both concepts describe the process of cause and effect and often encourage the individual to act in a good way. However the concept of karma, according to the scriptures of Buddhism, Hinduism and other eastern belief systems, does not operate on a system of three-fold return. Furthermore, such belief systems do not contain the same concepts of 'good' and 'evil' that Wicca does.

According to John Coughlin the Law posits "a literal reward or punishment tied to one's actions, particularly when it comes to working magic". The law is not a universal article of faith among Wiccans, and "there are many Wiccans, experienced and new alike, who view the Law of Return as an overelaboration on the Wiccan Rede." Some Wiccans believe that it is a modern innovation based on Christian morality.


John Coughlin, who has a wonderful website on this very topic, quotes Doreen Valiente in her her speech at the National Conference of the Pagan Federation in November 1997:

Another teaching of Gerald's which I have come to question is the belief known popularly as "the Law of Three". This tells us that whatever you send out in witchcraft you get back threefold, for good or ill.

Well, I don't believe it! Why should we believe that there is a special Law of Karma that applies only to witches? For Goddess' sake do we really kid ourselves that we are that important? Yet I am told, many people, especially in the USA, take this as an article of faith. I have never seen it in any of the old books of magic, and I think Gerald invented it.


And here’s my source:

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