From the last couple of entries, you could probably understand why I might feel the need to modernize the writings of the Magi from the turn of the century. Damien said somewhere – may have to dig for it again, though – that the knee-jerk reactions of nutball christians against Aleister Crowley (although in Damien’s defense, he didn’t use the phrase "nutball christians", that was my choice of words) came about because they didn’t understand him, and I’m quickly beginning to see his point. I would add to that comment that the same holds true for twinkie witches as well: the girly-girly, frou-frou, bleached blonde, morality-police twinkie witches didn’t understand Crowley either, or they wouldn’t be spreading around the christianized form of witchcraft they’re spreading around like so much manure. Definitely makes me wish that he’d stop re-tweeting some of the more egregious members of that frivolous coven, but since he has to live in the same town as some of them now, he’s probably being neighborly.
Or at least, I’m fervently hoping that he hasn’t abandoned Crowley’s common sense for some of these twinkies’ nonsense.
I can envision a goop of Gardnerians jumping up and down like Mexican jumping beans and yelling, "You know NUFFINK! You cahn’t be re-writing and modernizing NUFFINK!" To which I reply, "Huh? Speak English! Oh? That actually was English?" – and then, "Well, that’s really the point then, isn’t it?"
If I start out knowing nothing, then I’m the most gullible fool out here, aren’t I? In which case, I need every "i" dotted and every "t" crossed to make sure I’m not being taken advantage of, don’t I? What’s the best way to do that? Make sure every one of you handing me written information purporting to be experts called by your deity to teach me something can CITE YOUR SOURCES! If you can’t do that, then we have a problem, don’t we?
If you can’t cite your traditional and verifiable sources, then as far as I’m concerned, you’re making it up. And as I said, I have no problem with people making stuff up – really I don’t! Shows creativity and originality. But if you’re not telling me upfront that you made it up, as far as I’m concerned, you’re a fraud. Pretty much the end of that story, isn’t it?
Here’s a perfect example of the most appalling made-up nonsense I’ve read yet:
"One modern scientist once went so far as to say that the moon could not exist because its presence simply could not be scientifically explained."
McCoy, Edain. The Witches Moon, "Introduction", Page x"
Say what???!!!??? That sentence can’t possibly be correct – no legitimate scientist in their right mind would have said that. In fact, without footnoting that stunning announcement, she just lost 98% of her educated audience. Is she an idiot???
The last group of people who had absolutely NO grasp of science, scientists, theories, the research process (or much of anything else for that matter) was the far christian right, who have made it their life’s work to transform the once great ... ok, the once overhyped ... United States of America into "The Land of the Poor and the Chronically Stupid". These are the same people who are such idiots they keep squealing, "If we descended from apes, how come there are still apes?" – no matter how often you tell them that Darwin never said any such thing, and that they have no concept of anything the theory of evolution actually SAYS.
Point is: I may be a conspiracy theorist myself, but I strongly suspect that Edain McCoy is actually a propped up decoy by the far christian right ... someone they can point to and say, "See how stupid these witches are?" Who else would have printed something so ridiculous?
Trust me, no legitimate modern scientist ever said any such thing. Not with a solar system surrounding all of us populated with planets - many of which have their own moons. That was such a flagrantly appalling and idiotic thing to say, there’s no way she should have ever gone without citing that, and yet she did. Was the scientist subsequently put away for mental illness? Laughed out of town? Was the "scientist" still in 1st grade?? Trust me, NO scientist of any merit would have said that.
But to make certain I wasn’t going to regret blowing up like an overfed boiler, I googled that. Found it. Scientist?!!??
Here are the other topics from the unidentifiable author of the website:
The Truth At Last: exposing the real culprits behind September 11!
THE MOON: A Propaganda Hoax
Exposing the DRESDEN DECEPTION (A response to Ernst Zundel's "Z-Gram")
THE PARTHENON: A post-Hellenistic Fabrication
The IRISH POTATO HOAX of the 1840's
THE TITANIC: Hollywood Propaganda Fraud Exposed!
A MAD REVISIONIST Special Campaign:
A monument has been erected in the heart of Washington, D.C...
It sits on American land, paid for by American tax dollars...
And yet, it is dedicated to the glorification of a special interest group who are not even Americans...
Click here to help THE MAD REVISIONIST to resist this brazen expression of arrogance!
[Psst. He’s talking about dinosaurs.]
Sun Hoax Revealed!
Do the Jews exist?
Report from Sydney: THE OLYMPIC HOAX
The Great Donut Conspiracy
A Revisionist Examination of the O.J. Simpson Trial
Proof of the Allies destroying Holocaust evidence: Fuhrerpants
THE MAD REVISIONIST guide to Revisionist Philosophy
Questions about Revisionism? Ask our resident expert, Dr. Leopold Iv, in Advice from the Sewer
This is her idea of a "modern scientist"? Does she even know what a scientist is? I just sat here staring at the screen with my jaw dropped. Now, in their defense (and because I didn’t have the time or inclination to read any of it), I suspected that it might have been composed as a spoof of conspiracy theories, and not as a web page composed by a serious lunatic. In any event, my greater concern was a dumb idiot claiming to be a witch and writing a book claimed this crap was the work of a "modern scientist". She is looking more and more like a plant of the far christian right.
Need a citation? Here ‘ya go!
[Heavy sigh]
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Yeah, okay, "human". (looking for rolling eyeballs emoticon)
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