Sunday, June 26, 2011

SSD#9: Dowsing Pendants, MTV, Women without a Subconscious and the Twitter Taliban

Feb. 19th, 2010 at 6:42 AM

Day Number 9 Following the Instructions in "Manifesting Your Soul Mate":

One of the benefits of the “Prepare for Your Soul Mate with Feng Shui” project - even if you can’t pronounce it properly - is the distracting de-cluttering that accompanies moving everything around: I found myself picking up things, one item at a time, looking at it, examining it, determining whether or not there is a real use for it, and then keeping or discarding it. Very useful periodic activity, regardless of why you’re doing it.

Which is how I picked up a small drawstring suede bag that I’d been carrying around since my days in Media Buying. It was handed out at one time by a network or syndicator as part of a promotion -- looking at the now faded embossed logo on the bag: looks like it might have been MTV. Cannot remember why they sent these things out, but it might have been some sort of witchy predictive promotional gimmick like: “Predict how popular this season will be!” or maybe “Predict how long it will take us to forget our entire raison d’etre and start airing crap so pitiful we get beaten in the ratings by VH-effen-1” … or something along those lines. So they enclosed an item in the bag which – at the time I received it – I thought was some sort of cheap ugly jewelry on a cord, but which I now recognize from my recent interaction with crystal lore as either a quartz point dowsing pendant or a good facsimile of one. I had no idea why I’d been carrying it around all these years.

I pulled it out, looked at it, said, “Coooool!! I’d forgotten I had this!” I immediately dropped everything I was doing to test it out.

Now, as I understand it, there is nothing “supernatural” about the process – the pendant moves in response to questions due to “tiny involuntary muscle movements” directed by your subconscious mind – or, more accurately, the unconscious mind. When you’re asking it a question, you’re not directing the question externally, but internally – pulling answers out of your unconscious, which (supposedly) is more knowledgeable than the rest of you … although the more I thought about it, the more I wondered how anyone came up with that theory that the unconscious mind is more intelligent or knowledgeable than the conscious mind, if no one can actually quantify what the “unconscious” knows or doesn’t know.

Maybe the unconscious was in fact the mental “dust bin” for useless pieces of information, false reasoning, insane ideas and bizarre discarded thoughts and un-processed experiences – which may be the reason dreams are so often weird. Maybe it was downright stupid. Who came up with the idea anyway? A thought for another day … when I can deal with all the Freudian and psychoanalytical babble on the subject.

However, I did promise myself at the start of this project that I wouldn’t question the instructions I was to follow – no matter how badly I wanted to – so I’ll keep going. I’m now going to test out the quartz dowsing pendant and ask about my Soul Mate. The control portion of the test: asking it a true\false question you already know the answer to – for example, giving it your name and asking if that information is correct - and watching the swinging motion of the pendant, to get a baseline reading on your own “tiny involuntary muscle movements”. Well, OK, that sounds easy enough. I give it my name and ask, “Is this correct?”

Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not even a twitch. I make another attempt by giving it a false name and asking if that was correct. More dead silence.

Maybe I’m holding it wrong. I try it several more times, holding it in different hands; holding the cord at various heights from the quartz. Nothing. Not even a slight sway I could trace to an errant breeze. Neither the string or the crystal moves even slightly. If anything, I’m starting to feel rather silly, envisioning my unconscious mind now as a separate entity, regarding me with an expression of irritated disgust, silently berating me for wasting its time with this nonsense.

“Maybe that’s not a real quartz crystal”, I think. Maybe MTV was so cheap they handed out cheap acrylic fashioned to look like quartz. I ignore the argument that natural quartz is probably far more plentiful and cheap than manufactured acrylic. The Rude Scientist in me now rears her head.

“That’s ridiculous! Stop being an idiot. What difference does THAT make?”, she wants to know. “If it’s your involuntary muscle movements causing this thing to move, you could stick a dead skunk on the end of that cord and it should still work.”

I have to admit: she’s right. Although extremely rude. And condescending. Someone needs to slap that woman silly. And about that dead skunk, may I say for the record, “Ewww.”

“Are you DEAF or something?” I finally snap at the contraption crossly, forgetting I’m actually speaking to myself and not to the stone at the end of the string. Either way, there is no response to that question, either. So apparently, I’m either hard of hearing at the unconscious level, or ignoring myself altogether, hard to say which. Bets are at 50/50.

But if the Rude Scientist is right, there is only one remaining possibility, and that must mean: … (there will be a startled pause while the inevitable logical deduction hits me.)

OMIGOD, I have no subconscious!

I don’t know what this means, but it can’t be good.

Seems there are those religious factions among us who have decided that the best solution for eliminating naysayers is to stalk them. After justifiably conking the Anti-Borgia faction of false-rumor-mongerers over their heads I’m now being stealthily “followed” by a member of the Twitter Taliban … this must be what the victims of Jack the Ripper felt like, sensing the depraved evil slithering down the dark alley behind them. “Get thee behind me … Twitterer!!” (Nah, you’re right, doesn’t have quite the same ring to it.) Don’t these people have anything better to do, like writing large checks to Jimmy Swaggart, or something? Sheesh.

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