Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Black Cats ... and Other Issues to Vent About

You know, I’m all in favor of animal rescue centers.  Really.  I have always had infinitely more respect for animals than I do for human beings, who – due to a combination of so-called religious insanity, inbred viciousness and brutality, a complete absence of empathy and kindness, generations of retarded mothers who think their spawn is perfect no matter the preponderance of evidence to the contrary, relentless and unchecked pedophilia, bad food, bad parenting, corrupt police forces, useless schooling, goading by evil “politicians”, greed, arrogance, corruption, xenophobia, homophobia, war-mongering, the national IQ dropping to less than zero, all of it – are, for the most part, worthy of a mass extinction more than any other living beings on the entire planet.  I’m an equal opportunity racist, really – wipe the entire human race from the globe, including me – and I’d be fine with it.  Nobody deserves it more than this global collection of parasitic, mentally deranged certified lunatics, I don’t care what miserable excuse for a country you live in, what evil religion you stupidly claim is the only “correct” one, or what freakish excuse for a corrupt, evil politician you worship.

So speaking of IQ’s less than zero ... I decided to adopt a cat from a rescue shelter.  I won’t mention their name.  I suppose their intention is positive:  rescue innocent cats from the hellish existence they endure at the hands of evil human beings.  Cool.  I’m in favor of that.  Human beings, for the most part, suck, and deserve to be lined up in a row and shot dead, most of them, simply because they’re breathing air that other beings deserve more than they do.  You’re “offended” by that?  Good.  That means I hit a nerve deep down in your psyche that screams “TRUTH!” and you know that, deep down, you really are as big an a**hole as everyone else on the planet.  Take your offense and shove it up your ...

Anyway.  I decide to adopt a cat rescued by this feline rescue society.  Looked at the photos on their website, and picked one I liked, for all sorts of reasons.  Went there, and they put him in the carrier and I brought him home.  He made a beeline for the couch and hid underneath it ... no surprise there, lots of cats do that when they find themselves in unfamiliar territory.  I’d talk to him under there ... let’s call him, “Blackie”.  Not his name, but I don’t want to identify the rescue center.  For 4 days, I’d talk to him, “Blackie...” over and over again ... he didn’t respond.  Barely looked at me.

4 days later, the Rescue Center sent me an e-mail.  “Ooops!  We gave you the wrong cat.  They look so much alike we got them confused.  We gave you “Midnight” instead of “Blackie”!  His entire medical history is different, his age is different, his background is different, etc.etc.!  You have to come back and exchange the paperwork, do you want to bring him back??”

Needless to say, I hit the proverbial roof.  At least twice.  I went back into the living room and peeked under the couch.  “Midnight?”  His head popped up and he looked right at me with an expression of interest and surprise.  BINGO!  For four days, this poor cat had no idea who I was even talking to ... he had never heard “Blackie” before ... that meant nothing to him.  “Midnight” finally made sense to him.  Something familiar that he recognized in the midst of this strange new place.

As far as bringing him back – were they kidding me????  He’d already been in shock when his owner died and he was unceremoniously carted off to a rescue center by a disinterested relative ... and because the rescue center couldn’t be bothered to identify their cats properly, they thought I would do the same thing to him???  Just reject him – AGAIN?  What the hell were they thinking?

The difference between the two cats was age – the cat I’d asked for was 4 years old; Midnight was 7.  He also had teeth issues which would need expensive dental treatment at some point, and after I chewed the ears off of the Rescue Center, they agreed (in their defense, without objecting to my demand that they do so) to cover his dental treatment.  Good.  It was the least they could do, after that screw up.  I absolutely refused to put that poor animal through another abandonment and rejection – he’d been through enough already.

And he is finally coming out and roaming about ... after I’m asleep, naturally ... so I’m thinking of re-naming him “Vampire” after he’s come out of his shell.  He’s getting there.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Consumer Goes Insane When Mop Breaks - Film at 11

So because I’m NOT a member of the Entitlement Generation who think they’re so important they can’t even demean themselves long enough to, oh say, mop a kitchen floor ... there I was mopping the kitchen floor.  (*Crack*!)  A piece of the mop splintered off, and skittered across the floor.  I had owned the mop for maybe 2 months.  TWO MONTHS.  Not 20 years.  2 months.  I picked it up and looked at it.  Yup! 

As I expected:  “Made in China”.  Yet another piece of complete and utter CRAP foistered on every single one of us.  Other examples:  you buy a shirt and the button falls off the first time you put it on.  You buy a ceramic bowl with “Dishwasher Safe” printed on it just to eat your soup, and it neglects to add, “For only one cycle; after that it cracks, splinters, falls apart and leaves shards of ceramic all over your clean dishes.”

In fact, now that I think about it, I can’t recall a single piece of anything that had “Made in China” on it that made me exclaim, “Wow, this is really well made!”  The last time I said that, the item was a treasure of a cast iron pan that far exceeded any other pan in the kitchen – and had the imprint “Made in the USA” on it.  Still have it.  Have had it for years.

You may think that a mop breaking after two months isn’t that big a deal.  That’s because you’re feeble-minded, and feel free to confess that sad truth to everyone who knows you.

The only explanation I can think of for the complete lack of respect every single member of the House, the Senate, the Executive Branch has had for the entire population of the United States for decades (not to mention the utter disdain and disrespect dumped on your head by every single business owner from coast to coast who has already outsourced everything they produce) is:  none of them actually do any work!  They don’t mop floor like the rest of the country, they don’t do anything.  They hire illegal aliens to do their manual labor for them, stand up and pontificate about the evil of illegal aliens, and at the same time know you’re so stupid you’ll honestly think they know what you’re going through.  NEWS FLASH FOLKS!  They don’t know &*^&.  They don’t give a &*^& what you’re going through.  Do you honestly think they care that the Acme Mop Company outsourced all of their work to China, so that they could save the big $$$s they might have spent on a decent product in order to pay their treasonous CEO the equivalent of the national debt?  They’re not the ones who have no choice but to replace the complete and utter crap foisted on us by China every 2 months – YOU are.  They hire illegal aliens to mop their floors, and if you haven’t figured that out by now, you’re too stupid to vote.

And now if you'll excuse me, I hear the men with the white coats knocking on the door.  I'm sure they're imported from China, too.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Debacle That Is the 2016 Election

Are you a Democrat?  The leaders of your party think most of you are stupid!!  Are you a Republican?  The leaders of your party think most of YOU are stupid!  Independent?  Green Party?  Communist Party?  Tea Party?  Coffee Party?  Log Cabin Party?  (Fill in the blank) Party?  Ditto!  Ditto!  Ditto!  Ditto!  Ditto!  All of Congress thinks most of you are stupid.  And you know what?  THEY’RE RIGHT!

And do you know why they’re right?  Because this is what most of you  do – constantly.  You’re on Facebook.  You see a post meander its way through your feed.  You agree with it.  Yup, fits right into your World View!  Ha!  Vindication!  Justification!  Has to be true, right?  You pass it along without a second thought.

The problem is:  what you’ve just passed along so self-righteously was a bald-faced lie.  Anyone who does a modicum of fact checking knows it’s a bald-faced lie, I don't care what side you're on.  You’re as virulent a liar as you claim the other side is.  You are no better than the people whose views you don’t share and therefore despise.  You are no better than the people you're so "offended" by.  You are no better than the people you sneer at and call (depending on which side you’re on):  “Libtards” or “Republi-pukes”.  Read that again:  you are no better than the people you despise.  You like to think you are, but you’re not.  You are every bit as disgusting as they are.  Maybe even worse, because you’re also a hypocritical slug with a cavern where your brain stem was supposed to be.  You are nothing.  You are less than nothing.

Of course it was bull.  The leaders of your party knew you’d fall all over yourself like a gullible idiot, passing this false story around to everyone you knew, and everyone you hated, because they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were stupid!  “See?  I was right and you were wrong  Nyah!  Nyah!”  They counted on it!  Do you enjoy knowing that so many people actually count on your appalling stupidity?  Are you PROUD of that?  Anybody with a working brain wouldn’t be.

Critical thinking used to be valued in this country.  Hell, I remember high school history classes where we were taught how to vet sources.  Is it a legitimate source?  Did this source have an agenda that might twist his or her interpretation of something, even if you agreed with it?  The moment you read something that is so astonishing you’re flabbergasted ... why isn’t your first reaction to say, “Wait.  Is this actually true?” 

And yet ... with very few exceptions, no one does.  You all click “share”, “share, “share”, “share” without a moment’s thought.  With a sick, twisted smirk on your smug face, you perpetuate lies so ugly, you might as well work for the other side – you’re always claiming THEY’RE liars, right?  Look in the mirror, people  You are no different than the people you despise.  Live with it.  Swallow that truth down with your morning coffee.  Republicans, you are no better than “libtards”.  Democrats, you’re no better than “Republi-pukes”.  Ditto to the rest of the fools who do the exact same thing.

For the record:  I am so sick of this pitiful excuse for an election I could throw up.

Wow.  And here I thought no one read this thing.

Apparently, they did.  My one big mistake in life (apparently) was posting something about a singer I had a crush on, back in my pre-teen years.  Who knew he had a sick, mentally deranged stalker, who took such vile exception to my post to the point where I was stalked, right along with him?  Death threats, the whole nine yards.  Having now deleted all of that – and having turned her in gleefully to the proper authorities – I’m back.  If you thought my respect for women in general was disturbingly low, you would have given my “respect” level more credit than it deserved.

“Oh, don’t hate women because of HER ...” someone out there is cooing.  “She’s obviously mentally ill!”  Well, *duh*! - thank you, Captain Obvious in a skanky Victoria’s Secret  bra.  I figured that out pretty quickly ... which didn’t make it any easier to combat.

She changes nothing.  Another example:

To the Women at Planet Fitness:

Picture it:  Planet Fitness.  Morning.  Filled with people trying their damndest to count their own repetitions, listen to their own music, whatever.  Instead, every single last one of us is subjected to a loud, shrill inane conversation between two women that was actually somehow louder than the sound turned up to full volume on people’s headsets and earbuds.

And no matter how many people turned around and glared at them, the two biddies just kept on babbling inanities at the top of their lungs as they plodded along slowly on the treadmill, barely expending enough calories to, oh say, keep a birthday candle going for 2/100ths of a second.

Inanities.  How much produce cost at Hannaford’s as opposed to Market Basket.  Their grandchildren’s brilliance at running headlong into trees.  Their own mindlessly boring plans for the day, for the week, for the year.  Inanities.  Mindless, boring idiocy, which is the only manner of mind-numbing conversation most women can dredge up out of the depths of themselves.