The dream was actually an image of me acting in the role of – I’m assuming – a hair dresser. Another very handsome man – who shall also remain nameless because he’s still very much alive! – was sitting in the chair in front of me, wearing one of those plastic sheets that barbers put over you so you don’t end up with hair cuttings all over your shirt.
The only odd thing about this scenario was that I wasn’t cutting his hair, I was gently applying oil to the top of his head with a cotton ball. He said, “What is that? It feels weird,” and I looked down to discover he had hair growing out of his scalp where he hadn’t had any hair at all a few moments ago. I lifted his hand and let him touch his new hair, and he whipped around in the chair to gape at me with an expression of shocked amazement and astonishment on his face. End of dream.
At the time I had the dream, I was in such pain you wouldn’t believe it – ongoing leg spasms and twitches so painful, I was unable to accomplish simple things like shuffling around the house with a walker ... I mostly just sat and suffered and kept taking more and more muscle relaxers which were making me dizzy, groggy and nauseous.
Because of the identity of the man in that chair, I knew exactly who had sent the dream to me ... and because of that, I’m thinking, “Okay, I don’t think he wants me to take the contents of the dream THAT literally. ” (In other words, I’m sure the man in the chair would not have been all that amused, had I chased him around in real life threatening to apply oil to the top of his head with a cotton ball).
I suspected I was supposed to figure out which oil I had been using in this dream – that way, I thought, maybe the underlying message would make more sense.
So I did a little bit of internet research on the few bottles of oil I had in the house at the time. Some of it cooking oil, some of it fragrant oil, some of it spiritual oil. I was researching my third or fourth type of oil, when I found it. Used for strengthening and re-growing hair. Then I read one of its other uses: curing muscle pain and stiffness. Enlightenment slowly dawned and I said, “Ahhh-ha!”
Like most homeopathic remedies for things, I anticipated that if this oil did anything beneficial for my lower legs at all, it would take time to build up in my system. But I had grown to trust this particular spirit/guide, so, as soon as I identified the oil, I went and applied some, just to see what happened. What was I expecting? I expected that I would be using it as some sort of massage oil on my legs. But I expected wrong. I knew this spirit well, and should have known better. (I have apologized to that wonderful spirit more than once for doubting things he tells me.)
The spasms and twitches stopped in their tracks less than a minute after my application. Just with a cotton ball. No massaging, no kneading of the muscles. Just applying it. The spasms and twitching and pain stopped – as though someone had flicked a switch. My jaw practically hit the floor. I was so not expecting that I stared at my own legs with the same expression that the handsome man in the barber chair had on his face in my dream when he discovered he suddenly had his hair back. I said, “Wha ...? How is that possible?”
But it was. And three days later – as long as I keep applying it – I still haven’t had any leg spasms or twitches or pain. This is, quite truthfully, one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me.
And may I now take this opportunity to apologize again to this really awesome guardian spirit ... publicly ... I am so sorry! You would hope that at some point, I’d stop underestimating you!
Meanwhile ... now that I have a lot of my energy back ... I’m thinking up all sorts of things I can do to kill time until I see the neuro-muscular specialist. Not sure which one to do first.
Bob telling a wonderful story about The Cowsills at Yankee Stadium in 1966 – and The Beach Boys setting fire to the locker room. I could listen to him all day!
Finale, Eurovision. Il Volo and Italy definitely won the popular vote – by a mile – but the jury in Vienna not surprisingly went with the politically safe choice and picked Sweden. Il Volo won the televote by a wide margin - the "televote" being the vote by the public throughout all of Europe. Needless to say, the howls of outrage are still going on. But Il Volo turned in one heck of a performance ... as always, they were magnificent. In any event – here’s their finale performance.