January 7th: The Feast of Sekhmet. Well, the one somewhat positive note I got out of my brief second encounter with the Physical Therapy people (not surprisingly, they closed their case on me as “unable to be helped at this time” and kicked me back to the neurologist to be tasered) was a list of exercises and the suggestion that I get hold of some cheap ankle weights.

Which I did. I learned that, if in addition to the regular exercises, I did practically anything to the beat of Chayanne’s Mariana Mambo or Ivan Lins’ Marlena while wearing those ankle weights, or even just walking around the apartment employing the straight leg march (see photo, right), I ended up with abdominal muscles so sore I could barely breathe and killer foot cramps. Yay! Nothing like ending up in worse shape than I did when I started the exercises, so perhaps I should have started out a little less enthusiastically. But if I end up mobile again, I will definitely send Chayanne and Ivan thank you cards … if I can’t get back into reasonably non-crippled shape to their music, there’s no hope for me.
I should also point out that I performed that step with nowhere NEAR the grace the model in the photo is using. When you can’t feel your feet and consequently have single foot balancing problems, grace and fluidity are the first personal attributes to fly right out the window.
The hell with the Sky Sadist continues. Sutton gave me my car back with a sticker … and with a rougher running engine at idle, a broken dashboard light and a “security” light which lights up regularly. The broken dashboard light leaves me unable to read my clock, speedometer, engine temperature, etc., in the dark -- which, I have to point out, is the only time I drive when I commute -- I now definitely have to find a new car repair shop, since that bunch of inept, idiotic bozos has practically ruined my beautiful Saturn. Unfortunately, they charged me so much to wreck my car, it will be a while until I can afford to have the car repaired properly by professionals.
A table I ordered from Tom & Co., due at the end of December, is no longer in stock, they tell me. Ten days later they still haven’t refunded the cost of the table, forcing me to waste my time considering stronger measures to get it back. Thanks Tom - and your crackerjack customer relations people, too.
My blood sugar is still too high. Dumb doctor tells me on the phone, “Increase your insulin from 30 units to 38 units.” I stare at the telephone receiver as though it has lost its entire mind. Understand that the syringes have such small markings on them I can barely find the 30 unit mark, so I know there’s NO WAY I can find the 38, because there isn’t one. Perhaps I need a new endocrinologist as well; I seem to be surrounded by chronic idiots no matter which direction I turn.
Speaking of which, CVS - in another boneheaded example of their buyers’ idiocy - has run out of sharps disposal containers. Understand that the endocrinologist informed me that the law requires me to dispose of all “sharps” (syringes, lancets) in properly marked containers and return the containers to CVS for disposal.
What disturbed me most of all was the way that the CVS pharmacy personnel over on Main Street in North Andover (the Route 114 store NEVER carries them) ran around like deer in headlights, trying to figure out where the containers actually were, in the store. And only then did they discover they didn’t have any.
And what disturbs me about that was that I am quite certain that I am not the only diabetic in North Andover , Massachusetts . So – here’s the real question: how are the OTHER diabetics of North Andover disposing of their lancets (which all diabetics use) or their syringes (used by some)? I’m sure I’m not the only diabetic on insulin, either. CVS has an entire shelf of diabetic supplies, so I know there are diabetics in the buying region. You’re telling me everyone else but me is breaking the law on the proper disposal of sharps? And CVS is sitting there, with the collective fingers up their noses, not even remotely concerned that garbagem … excuse me … “refuse collecting professionals” … are running the risk of getting impaled on North Andover’s discarded syringes? Lovely. Yet another reason to despise the fools in North Andover , Massachusetts . Not that I expect a coherent answer, but I sent an e-mail to the “chair” of the collecting and recycling group in North Andover, wanting to know what their law actually was. I’m not holding my breath, waiting for a response.
While looking up their e-mail addresses, I noted that there were two vacancies on that recycling oversight committee. I decided it would be a good idea if I applied for one of those vacancies and then, when I got there, wrote up and passed a new law: anyone who doesn’t dispose of their sharps properly should be executed. Since nobody pays any attention to laws at the local level, no one would even know the law was on the books until they were blindfolded on a field, facing a firing squad. I could easily eliminate most of the really annoying people in North Andover . Bwah-hahaha!